Inspiration comes in so many forms. Many artists believe that a muse comes to them in a vision and provides them ideas for their latest masterpiece. The same can be true for you as you begin to plan your wedding. Inspiration lies everywhere, in everything. You simply need to open your eyes and be aware of it.
As with any other creative outlet, inspiration and imagination are crucial in determining the theme and style of your wedding. Your wedding day is a wonderful opportunity to really showcase your talents, personality and taste.
The inspiration for some weddings comes from pretty traditional places. Some couples opt to use the traditional colors of a particular season (my own wedding was a festival of autumn colors, including bright oranges, deep reds and chocolate browns). However, the interpretation and translation of these more traditional ideas can vary from one couple to the next. Even an idea that seems conventional can be altered to make it into something that has not been seen in any event.
The wonderful thing about designing your wedding is that there are no rules! Anything can serve as inspiration. Anything can be a springboard for a completely different, yet beautiful, event design.
FabricTake a moment to visit your local fabric store. The variety and selection of fabrics ranges from the simply neutral to incredibly whimsical. Look at the colors contained within the fabrics, as well as the print. There is inspiration to be had there. A traditional black and white toile can arouse ideas of French country touches for your event. A fabric of rich amber tones could determine the main color of your entire event.
This kind of inspiration can also be found as quickly as a trip to your own clothes closet.
The Style Network airs a home décor show called
Dress My Nest. Home style guru Thom Filicia asks show participants for an article of clothing to help serve as the inspiration for the room design. Open the doors to your closet. Are there certain pieces that you love to wear together simply because of the color and texture combination? How can that translate to your event?
You probably noticed when you went to register that there are now hundreds of options regarding china. Gone are the days where simple white china with a platinum rim was the only option. Today’s modern brides and grooms prefer china patterns that are reflective of their personal style. Browse the housewares section the next time you are shopping. Which patterns catch your eye? How could you incorporate the colors or pattern of that dish into your event? A retro-inspired pasta bowl of whimsical polka dots can turn into a wedding cake mimicking that design. A bread & butter dish with a floral motif can translate into an event where flowers are the focal point.
Home DécorDo you have a favorite room in your house? Is there a room that you always feel comfortable in? A room whose colors just seem to blend together to create a unique yet comforting atmosphere? Really take a moment one day to examine the décor in your house. It might be the combination of a wall color and your furniture. It might be the colors from a tiled backsplash in your kitchen. Any of these items can form a unique, interesting, and best of all, personalized wedding color scheme.
Fine ArtIs there a painting that you love? Which pieces catch your eye while you’re visiting a museum or admiring the artwork on a friend’s walls? A lot of the Impressionists are a great source for colors and shapes if you are looking for a more muted, natural style. Pop art like that of Andy Warhol is an excellent origin for those trying to achieve a more bold and contemporary look. Whatever type of art you are drawn to can be used to create a design for your event.
NatureThere are so many beautiful colors and shapes found in nature. Whether it is a plant, a flower, or simply the subtle shades of color found within the sky, there are countless ideas to be extracted from the beauty all around us. A peacock feather can result in a color palette of deep blues and rich purples. Willow branches can be used to create a natural and beautiful arch for the ceremony.
When I get inspired, the source is usually something outside the wedding “realm”. I am constantly keeping an eye out for things I find beautiful and unique. These everyday visions plant seeds of idea that will eventually result in an event design.
Bliss Weddings will start to post “Inspiration Storyboards” on this blog. This practice is used by most event designers to work through a style concept for a bride and groom. You will notice that these storyboards will include items that aren’t traditionally associated with weddings. These unconventional items were the original pieces that got me thinking about that particular concept. I build on that concept with different items that reflect that theme or feeling. In the end, that concept becomes a design, and gives you a more concrete idea of what that event would look like.
The particular storyboard featured below was created after seeing a beautiful blue Wedgewood vase in a storefront window while on vacation in the Caribbean (a photo of the item appears on the storyboard, in the upper right-hand corner). The contrast of the colors and the texture of the bas relief accents serve as the motivation for the event concept that is captured by this storyboard. Inspiration storyboards will be posted regularly on this blog, so continue to visit us for more ideas and suggestions.
Stay inspired!