Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Storybook Wedding... literally

[disclaimer: I am fully aware of how corny the title of this post is. However, I found the puns to be unavoidable given the topic]

I would describe myself as your typical “bookworm”. Ever since I can remember, I’ve devoured books page by page. I get lost in the stories and wrapped up in the lives of the characters. My mother used to be concerned about me because even as a small child, I would spend the majority of my time with these characters who I felt had become my friends. Now my husband gets upset because I can fly through ten books in the time it takes him to read one. If I have one talent (aside from wedding planning, that is ;-)), it’s reading.

If you’re a book lover like me, you may have met your significant other browsing the fiction section at Borders, or returning long overdue (yet completely cherished) volumes to your local library. Your first date might have been spent discovering your shared passion for particular authors and subjects. Your courtship may have consisted of exchanging book recommendations and discussing symbolism and themes over romantic meals. If this is the case, why not express your love for all things literature on your wedding day? Here are some ideas I’ve collected for an event design concept inspired by bibliophiles in love!

The perfect place to hold a book-themed wedding would be, of course, in a library! Libraries are generally beautiful buildings that are admired for their architectural elements. Imagine your guests roaming the stacks of ancient and beloved tomes of the written word. The grandeur and history of the library will excite your guests for the event they are about to experience.

As we all know, invitations set the tone for the entire event. This invitation would really get your guests excited for your literary themed wedding. I love the clever concept of these particular versions.

(photo credit: Wedding Paper Divas)

(photo source unknown)

Traditionally, readings at weddings consist of Bible passages read by loved family members. Instead of the often used 1 Corinthians (“Love is patient, love is kind…”), surprise your guests with readings of passages from books you and your fiancé share a passion for. This element will personalize your wedding even further, and guests will be delighted to hear familiar messages from books they treasure as well.

Guest Book
Select one of your favorite books and have your guests sign the pages with congratulations and well-wishes. In the future, when you remove the volume from your bookcase to enjoy, you’ll have a wonderful reminder of this special time.

Table names
Table names have been replacing the idea of numbering tables for many years now. Carry your book theme into your reception by naming your guest tables after favorite authors or literary characters. This creative idea can even provide an ice-breaker to the guests at that particular table. It will encourage the guests to share their own favorite books.

Gift your guests with a bookmark! It can be personalized with your names and wedding date or can include a favorite quote from a cherished story. This is a favor that will most certainly be used by your guests.

(photo credit:

Wedding cake design has been deviating farther and farther from the traditional white, tiered variety that was so popular for so long. As we see on the Food Network show Ace of Cakes, wedding cakes shaped like objects are increasingly requested by brides and grooms. In keeping with your theme, consider a wedding cake in the likeness of a stack of your favorite books. It will be a beautiful and delicious way to complete your vision.

(photo credit: Time)

We always encourage couples to incorporate their passions into their wedding plans. For “bookworms” like me, this is a perfect way to celebrate the union of two people in love.

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